Among the various varieties of fish available, the most famous for pets is betta fish. They have unique colors, amazing personalities, and the capacity to indulge in different environments. They are the ones who can go without having food for days now. The first question to the buyer is how long can a betta fish go without food.

Different factors affect the days betta fish can live without food. The most important duty of the fish keeper is to ensure its overall well-being. Sometimes, people have to leave their pets at home, such as on vacations or outings. In such cases, better fish as a pet are a great choice. In the article, let’s discuss the days when betta fish can go without food.

What Is The Exact Number Of Days Betta Fish Can Go Without Food?

Generally, betta fish can go up to 10 to 14 days without consuming food, but some factors can alter the number of days for the fasting period. However, one can assume that betta can survive in the wild for several days or even weeks. It is because food is stored in their native habitat, or their bodies are accustomed to going through periods of starvation.

Bettas in aquariums and their natural habitat are completely different. In the case of aquarium bettas, going without food for long can cause them health issues and great stress. Considering every pro and cons, betta fish are declared resilient fish, and the clear answer to how long can a betta fish go without food is displayed for a week. 

The betta isn’t required to consume anything for at least a week and can survive. But while starving without food, the fish can face major illness and become quite fragile. So there are better options than abandoning them. In some cases, malnutrition won’t kill them, but stress or some other health issues would because of going without food.

What Are Some Special Features Of Betta Fish?

Betta fish are unique and generally easy to take care of as a pet but have some specific requirements and maintenance. Compared to most tropical fish, they are considered easy to handle. A suitable environment, proper nutrition, and regular watching are all required for a healthy lifestyle.

It can be difficult to locate the perfect tank mate for betta fish because they are picky eaters and need a relatively small range of water temperatures between 75–80°F. Overall, betta fish can effectively sustain themselves for three to four days without food, but if they are left alone for ten to fourteen days, they may develop some health problems and even give up their life in some cases.

What Are The Factors Affecting How Long Can A Betta Fish Go Without Food?

The three basic factors that affect how long can a betta fish go without food are the size of the tank, the fish’s general health, and the tank’s filtration. 

1. The health of the fish:

Being a unique animal, betta fish have certain requirements, and each reacts in the same settings. Overall health, metabolism, age, adaptation, and response to hunger, stress, and water conditions greatly influence the days they can survive without food. A healthy fish may have fat stored to survive hunger strikes, but unhealthy fish cannot tolerate hunger. 

2. Filtration of tank:

Fish tanks require regular care to maintain hygiene and cleanliness. Unfiltered tanks become poisonous if left unattended for a longer period. The water starts growing germs and bacteria, influencing betta fish’s life span. The water quality of an unfiltered tank is far more likely to decline to harmful levels than it would in a filtered aquarium where betta fish can survive for 10–14 days.

3. Tank size:

The size of the tank plays a great role in the survival of the fish. The water becomes harmful quickly in the smaller tank, and in the larger tank, it will take longer. So, it is suggested to leave the fish in larger aquariums to increase the number of days to answer how long can a betta fish go without food.

Betta fish can last for a week or more without food, but there are some important points to remember before leaving them alone. If requirements are fulfilled and left in a suitable environment, they will be healthy and fine. These factors must be paid extra attention to when increasing the number of days for how long a betta fish can go without food.

To see your pet fish return the same as you left them, providing them with a suitable environment is crucial so they can relax without consuming anything for days. Another great option is hiring a pet seater for better fish if they will be left unattended for longer. The fish should always be left in their natural habitat as changing their home at the last time can be uneasy.

What Are The Effects Of Betta Fish Going Without Food?

Going without food can sometimes benefit betta fish for a brief period. If they are starving for a day or two, their body will break down and eliminate all the stored waste, which will help improve their digestion. For this reason, certain betta fish are kept on a diet regularly, especially when they have a sickness that causes them bloating or laziness. 

Beta can benefit from fasting only for one or two days, but longer periods can become harmful and make them ill. All the nutrition gets lost from their body just like any other living thing, and the nourishment of the body gets eliminated when the fish begins to starve for longer intervals. One week is the maximum period. 


Betta fish are different because of their special feature of surviving without food for several days. There is no exact answer for how long can a betta fish go without food, but in most cases, it is observed to be a week or more. It is advised not to deprive the fish of food longer. 

Providing proper meals, maintaining a balanced diet, suitable environments, and a filtered tank are essential for the overall well-being of betta fish. There are several options and ways to keep betta fish healthy and fit even without food for a few days. 

Automatic food providers can be installed, fish keepers can be appointed, and large water tanks similar to the natural habitat or some other steps can be taken to ensure the safety of betta fish while going on a vacation. This article had all the basic information required for a betta fish to survive without food for a few days.

What is the age limit of a betta fish?

The age limit for betta fish varies between 2 and 5 years. Their lifespan can change depending on the environment and nutrition they receive.

How do you keep betta fish healthy while staying away?

Betta fish can survive up to a week without food only if their tanks are prepared accordingly. Automatic food providers can be installed, tanks can be cleaned properly, and temperature must be maintained to keep the betta healthy if left unattended.

What is the cost of getting a betta fish?

The average price range for a betta fish is $5 to $30, varying depending on the demand and the area. 

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